Rhai o'r cleientiaid rwyf wedi cefnogi
The National Wales
Prifysgol Abertawe
BBC Cymru Wales
Menter Iaith Ceredigion


Gallaf gynnig datrysiadau creadigol i glieintiaid yma yng Nghymru a thu hwnt,
i helpu chi weithredu prosiectau sy'n mynnu sylw.

About me

I have a proven track record of developing and delivering successful large-scale digital projects. I’m as adept at business planning as I am at content creation. I can assist you with your strategic digital needs, from assessment to implementation.

I have many years of experience in the field of social media. I can help your business, your organisation, or your institution grow your presence online, increasing your reach, influence, and revenues.

Get in touch today for an informal chat and advice.

Huw’s LinkedIn

Trefnwch cyfarfod heddiw

Ychydig o

syniadau a synfyfrdodau

Be nesa i’r Gymraeg?

Daeth canlyniadau’r cyfrifiad yn ôl ym mis Rhagfyr 2022 fel ergyd i’r nifer sydd wedi’n gweithio’n ddiflino dros yr iaith yn ystod y degawd diwethaf a mwy, nifer fawr ohonynt …

The value of Welsh

The value of Welsh It would have been far easier, and would have guaranteed more views, had I entitled this piece “What’s the cost of Welsh”? But that would be …